A copy of UserCore has been removed from the module tree but is still active!

  • Error was emitted from method ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_missing_constant
    • Method was called when a constant is missing inside some Module context. In this case: UserCore

Necessary code context

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  include UserCore

# app/models/concerns/user_core.rb
module UserCore
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  def admin?

# app/enums/user_role.rb
module UserRole
  include Enum

  UserRole.define :NONMEMBER, 5
  UserRole.define :USER, 10
  UserRole.define :ADMIN, 50

Steps to reproduce

  • In your rails console, enter:
    1. u = User.first; u.admin?
    2. reload!; u.admin?

Why does this happen?

  • When User#admin? is called, lookup for UserRole constant happens. When it is found, it is cached in the module constant UserCore: i.e. return value of UserCore.const_defined?('UserRole') is true.
  • If reload! is called, UserCore is reloaded, but u still has the older version of the constant. Rails raises an ArgumentError with the message A copy of xxx has been removed from the module tree but is still active! when you try to initiate a constant lookup from a stale version of the constant.
    • reload! is called UserCore is replaced with a newer version and UserCore.const_defined?('UserRole') is no longer true. Hence rails autoloading of UserRole is again initiated when User#admin? is called.
    • However, Rails blocks you from initiating a constant lookup when you are in the context of a stale constant. Rails checks this as of today by qualified_const_defined?(from_mod.name) && Inflector.constantize(from_mod.name).equal?(from_mod) where from_mod = UserCore.

How can we fix this?

  • Don’t try to initiate constant lookup from a stale constant.
    • In this case, reinstantiate user.
  • Or… Don’t cache any constants in modules and classes which can be reloaded.
    • Change role?(UserRole::ADMIN) to role?(::UserRole::ADMIN). This then will cache UserRole in the top-level constant Object, and thus will not be affected by UserCore reload.